AKA Day 3

1st November 2015 – Day 3

I woke this morning after having a reasonable nights sleep, but I couldn’t figure out where I was.  I was so disorientated and confused, it took what seemed like a long while before I realised I was in hospital and where the door was.

More of the same today, my residual limb goes through patches of feeling OK, and then goes to the extreme where it is almost unbearable due to the pain.

I’m getting the opportunity to transfer into my wheelchair more and take a wander around the hospital, it is great to stop looking at the same 4 walls.

I’m still taking lots of antibiotics and painkellers to keep the pain bearable, these include Gabapentin OxyNorm, OraMorph, Tramadol, Codeine equivalent, Paracetamol, Naproxen, Clexane and Coamoxyclav amongst other things.

This afternoon I noticed some blood on the bed sheets. I  checked under the dressing which was already loose and my wound although looked OK, had bled a lot. The nurse thinks it may be from the extensive bruising and generally is better of out than in. Overall she thought the wound looked OK.

I feel like I have taken a step back today (excuse the pun) and as such I am feeling really down and pissed off.

Taking into account the bruising, the bleeding from the wound, and the pain I am in, I’m not holding out much hope for hospital discharge on day 5.

>>> Day 4 >>>