
June 18th 2014 – 7 weeks post surgery

I have been back to the artificial limb centre, this is my first visit post surgery. The consultant was happy with what he saw, he tested the strength in my residual limbs and all is good.

I have been provided with a stump shaper sock, and have now been referred for specialist physiotherapy where I will practice with a ‘temporary’ leg.

June 24th …..

First session at physiotherapy today, a little disappointed because I didn’t get to try on the temporary limb, just given some more exercises to do. Surprised by how many people were there all in similar positions to me but at different stages.

Got talking and they were a good crowd, everyone helped each other along.

July 1st 2 months post surgery…..

Fantastic! I tried the temporary limb on today and took my first steps between parallel bars it felt great.

July 8th …..

Unfortunately physio is only for an hour once per week. However today not many people turned up and I spent about 45 minutes walking back and forth between the parallel bars on the temporary leg. That is the furthest I have walked for years.

It was a great feeling to be standing up again.

July 15th …..

Another week at physio, a lot more people here this week didn’t get to do as much walking but what I did do was great. I so want to get my real prosthetic leg but have been told not to rush otherwise it could cause more damage and then take longer.

July 22nd …..

Due to great progress at Physio, I was referred to the Artificial Limb Centre.