14th May 2014 – Day 14
Oops again.
I fell while leaning out from my mobility scooter. I was over reaching to do something. Another lesson learned.
The stump started bleeding again, I sat with it elevated for a while, changed the dressing when it got too bad.
I managed to keep out of hospital this time, and self managed the bleeding. Having had a look at the wound, it didn’t look as bad as what happened in Mishap 1 and also the pain wasn’t too bad either.
I decided to monitor it overnight and go to the hospital in the morning if it didn’t look good.
15th May 2014 – Day 15
Checked the wound again this morning and thankfully all looked ok. Decided I didn’t need to go back to the hospital.
I can’t afford to have the mishaps! Each time not only am I risking the stump, I am also delaying healing.